The bad part of being the guy who comes in the week between Christmas and New Years to keep the labs from burning down is all of other people’s work that you need to do.  The good part is you can do it in the order and in the way that you want.

First alignment:  Saturn-Sol-Luna.  “A Great Ending.”  Great in this case meaning “large” or “profound,” not “happy.”

Second alignment:  Mercury-Sol-Mars: “Tidings of War.”  This doesn’t have the auspicious aspect of last week, but is not necessarily bad.  It has a tangential relationship to the ending mentioned above.

Third alignment:  Jupiter-Mercury-Terra:  “News of Home.”  Good for expats and homebodies.  Also big changes at the TSA.

Luna in Libra.  Change and stability.  A generally unpleasant sign when things at cross-purposes are forced together.  Hangovers will be bad.

Venus in Scorpio.   You should probably recognize this one by now.

Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius.  Changes in firearms law.

Mars in Pisces.  Bad luck involving fish.  Be particularly vigilant in maintaining your aquaria.

The Sun joins Saturn in Capricorn.  For those of us not born under the sign of the sea-goat, we will experience Gold and Lead.  Problems will be particularly intractable. Expect defiance, and for subtle tactics to fail.  Your enemies will have more resources than usual.

Sorry for the downer forecast.  PLEASE don’t pass out around people who will draw dicks on your face or steal your wallet, car keys, etc.  If you’re hosting a party and a friend-of-a-friend shows up, make sure they leave at the end of the night and lock the door behind them.