Today is the last Monday in July. You know what that means. Today is Web Dominatrix’s birthday. Also, I got tired of seeing the permalink say “monday-afternoon-links-37”. I don’t know what everyone else did this weekend, but I ended up driving to Century, FL. For those who don’t know, Century is a pistol shot from Alabama to the north, and a rifle shot from Alabama to the west. I use firearms-based distances because I was visiting a prison. Warty told me I might be a redneck if I spend a whole weekend going to visit a family member in prison. Anyhow, I did the family thing, my youngest son got to see his grandfather for the first time since the boy was weeks old — he’s now weeks from being three. Its not the most fun, but it isn’t a terrible thing for my kids to understand just how much even visiting prison sucks, much less having to stay there. I will say that (for the first time ever) I encountered not a single surly or power-tripping guard. They all were professional, and a couple were downright polite. I’m assuming it was my kids’ winning personalities that brought out the best in them.

There was no Sportzball update, so let me get that in: Cleveland Browns picked as “most likely to improve” by ESPN. Glad that the egg-head statisticians have pointed out that regression to the mean is on the Browns’ side. OMWC’s benighted Orioles won a game and scored 11 runs. Save some of those for a close loss, boys. Red Sox and Yanquis won, too. Indians, Big Red Machine, Marlins, Braves, Mets, Blue Jays, Rangers, Rockies, Mariniers, Giants, D-Backs, and Cubbies won. AL MVP Jose Altuve went on the DL for the first time in his career. Apparently, he fell off  the step stool he uses to reach the top shelf of his locker and hurt his knee.

Kangaroo food riots in Australia. When they start kicking people down and stealing their food, the Aussies will wish they hadn’t lost all those rifles in freak boating accidents. Or start blasting kangaroos.

I’m interested in the legal point of this one. Can a union member wear a union shirt in an ad supporting a political proposition the union opposes? The libertarian in me says he can wear any shirt he owns while making an advertisement. The union contends he is misleading the public into believing that the union supports the position by doing so. Can police departments then send take-down notices of officers shooting dogs in uniform?

Florida Reporter kills me with this headline: “Six people in St. Petersburg receive medical treatment after smell of carbon monoxide”. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas. Most likely a CO detector alerted.

Bank of America acts like a giant bank, pisses off customer with bureaucracy.