Well, some days, its easy to be the hero at work. Today, two lines of javascript, taken almost verbatim from Teh Googles. Once upon a time programmers needed to actually know things. Now we have a global exo-brain that only requires that you know how search for things. Strangely, demand remains high. Oh well. Also, my kids have been home for six days and we have five more to go. So this is the one week each year I wish I had an office to commute to.

Someone in Bal’mer got $500 for turning in a metal tube at a gun buyback. (TW: Zerohedge)

KDW continues to deny he loves libertarian/anarchism, even though he’s agin’ the same things they’re agin’.

Instagram “accidentally” rolled out a horizontal scroll and it was the end of the world! I mean, not for me because I’m not a user.

This is one bad-ass man. Not only is he the first to solo cross Antarctica, but he skied the last 80 miles in one 32 hour push. What were his plans after completing this feat of bad-assery? Oh, he’s just gonna hang around Antarctica alone for couple more days until the other guy who is making a solo crossing shows up. No mention of how much it costs for the special suit to keep his huge brass balls warm.

I’ve always loved the guitar sounds on this.