This week I had family staying with me, so I had to work on the horoscope in fits and starts, all the while making sure that the SIL didn’t see what I was doing.  She’s the kind of person that believes everything that’s on the news, so she has completely internalized every moral panic since the early 1980s; she strongly disapproves of the occult alternative recreational epistemology.  She only lets the kids have graph paper to do homework in order to prevent them from playing D&D.  She does make a truly excellent pie crust though, and that matters a lot.

Anyway I had some really interesting stuff in the charts: fire, war, fire, cataclysm, death, destruction, fire and victory.  But as I was typing up the results, one of my fire indicators was Sol in Leo, which cannot happen in October.  It turns out I had laid out everything for August 8, 1945.

Anyway, this week’s skies are much less dramatic.  Venus is still retrograde, but there’s only some BARCO alignments to spread her baleful influence.  The first being Terra-Venus(retrograde)-Mercury-Jupiter.  This means that news of your venereal sins will reach people important to you.  Maybe put those sins off for a week.  The other BARCO alignment is Terra-Mars-Luna.  This often heralds military deployments, but I understand that Obama ended all wars, so it’s more likely that the alternative reading of “Military Success” is more likely*.

What with all this warlike stuff, it’s worth noting that Mars is still hanging out in Aquarius, where it is conjunction with the moon.  It’s an auspicious time for any naval glibs.  Scorpio’s dry spell continues with additional warnings not to try and break it in an illegal fashion.  See alignment 1 supra.  Libra is hanging around with the Sun.  And FINALLY Saturn(retrograde) in Capricorn is over!!! It’s now Saturn(direct) in Capricorn.  I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see the sign of famine before.  Actually, since the returning to direct motion is such a positive thing, this particular instance of it probably has more to do with success in weight loss than in Live Aid.

Good luck in the coming week.  If you need me, I’ll be vacuuming up dog hair.

*These are the best indicators since it doesn’t tell you for whom the success will be.  You can read Terra as indicating “us” or it can represent the country being invaded.  If I were reading this in Poland, I’d be more constrained.