First, Holy Fuck!  Where did the month go!  I still have books to unpack!  I have family coming over to criticize and break visit the new place in just a couple of weeks!

Second, I took my employer’s “Implicit Bias” training and lemme tell you, what a bunch of pseudoscientific garbage.  They started off “I know there are a lot of really technical people here, so let’s start with the science.  Each moment, your senses are bombarded by 11,000,000 bits of information, but your conscious mind can only process 40.”  I was tempted to say “A moment isn’t actually a unit of time, humans are analog so I’m not sure that “bits” is the correct way to express sensory information, and if you think you can represent what is currently in my field of vision with only 40 bits then you’re giving up a hojillion dollars by not selling your compression algorithm.”  But I did not say these things, because I like my job.  I just don’t react well to junk science.  So let’s talk about real science — Astrology!

This week is all about infidelity.  The core of this is the classic illicit love alignment of alignment of Sol-Mars-Venus.  But will this happen for you or to you?  There is a second-harmonic cross-alignment of Terra-Venus-Jupiter indicating that it is more likely to happen to a cousin of yours, rather than to you, but that you won’t be happy about it.  This is reinforced by a tertiary alignment Saturn-Terra-Luna (all bad luck signs) that is in opposition to the root alignment (which would make it something like… quaternary submediant to the crossalignment? I’d have to figure out where my protractor and which box of books contains my celestial tables to make sure).  Anyway, someone’s getting screwed, and you won’t like it.  I know it should have been mentioned last week, but there will be (will have been by the time this is published) a major divorce on September 28, when the moon drops into a four-light alignment with that previously mentioned alignment of Jupiter-Venus-Earth.

That yummy combo of Sol-Mercury?  It’s moved into Libra.  Enjoy your good fortune to all the librarians out there!  For the rest of us, the combo of strengthened balance coupled with change will make things unsettled.  It gets even worse with the moon in Gemini increasing indecision and ambivalence and possibly dilemmas as well.  The short, short version:  of you were born in Libra, you’ll have a great week.  Everyone else will have a lot of anxiety.  Possibly wondering about who is cheating on whom.

Everything else is the same as last week, so if you could handle that, you can handle what’s coming.