Howdy, Glibs. Thanks for putting up with me actually working. I expect you’ll see a lot of guest authors in the Afternoon Links next week as I’m onsite for user testing. This week has been a hellish ordeal of Murphy’s Law and the Law of IT Projects (no matter how pessimistically you schedule a project, its never pessimistic enough). This has been a real death-march week, but things just turned around this afternoon. I feel like I have some hope of delivering something users can at least test. Note to Future Brett: Next time someone says “we want to integrate all of our organization’s disconnected databases with 6-15 years’ worth of data, AND build a CRM system in a year” — gut-laugh and run away.

Oh Florida Man — Conning straight guys into gay sex and uploading the videos. That’s not cool bro.  I mean, who are the idiots who go have random encounters where you have to wear a blindfold?

Rod Rosenstein seems to be setting himself up for a 2nd career outside the DOJ after the NYT broke this.

Found my retirement job. Taking naps with cats. That I don’t have to take care of.

Jesus Christ Florida Man, what the fuck? Branding children in your care is not okay.

If this comes true, I just want to download how use woodworking tools to make straight and square cuts. Fuck kung-fu

I need some cotton-candy pop after a crappy week.