First up:  This weeks alignments…

None.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.  The planets are all being non-conformists, but not doing it together like gothlings. From a heliocentric view, the universe is an empty place devoid of meaning, lifeless planets lumbering along indifferent to the existential horror, blindingly following their paths set by unreasoning forces until all existence dies frozen in ultimate blackness.

This is going to be a bad week for aspies.  The moon is in Virgo, bringing change to people who don’t like change.  Interestingly, even though The Virgin is typically portrayed as female by the ancients, the personality types predicted perfectly match those of today’s male virgins.  This ability of a theory to correctly predict things centuries later is why astrology is considered such a perfect science.

Fucking magnets, how DO they work?

How much more perfect could a science be? None. None more science.

Remember how I used to predict good fishing?  Well that orbital mechanic has turned around and now fishing is going to suck for a while.  C’est l’etoile.

Your mental acuity will fade down to normal levels as Sol ceases illuminating Gemini.  on the other hand, Mercury continues in Cancer, so with a bit of effort, you can still be successful in that research you’ve been doing.  If you haven’t been doing any research, disregard that last bit.  For the non-researchers, you will probably forget to log off of something or clear your browser history, leading to  embarrassment.  You should have been researching something.

Seriously though, clear your cache.  That whole Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio does lend credence to the “your porn history will become public knowledge” thing this week.

Also this week, there is Aquarius (the water bearer) linked with Mars. (war, conflict).  So some people will be fighting over a water vessel.