After last week’s choc-a-bloc and interesting sky, this week has decided that it’s revealed quite enough thank you and is being uncommunicative.  Celestial infinity, what can you do?  For example, it puts Mercury (change) in Taurus (stability).  This is obviously bullshit, and it’s a sign of how honest the Glibastrology staff is at this fine periodical.  A charlatan would try and use the alternate reading of Mercury to predict news about cattle futures, or McDonald’s announcing a sale or something.  I am not that charlatan.

Last week we had that awesome double opposition that was keeping relationships on an even keel.  It’s completely fallen apart, though we still have a kinda-sorta-technically-an-alignment-but-a-really-crappy-one (known as a KSTAABARCO* in the astrology biz (not really)) of Mars-Venus-Saturn retrograde, so it’s offering some protection for your relationship if you tell your SO that they look particularly fat today, but not very much.

Seriously, I'm going to start using this.

BARCO Alignment, it’s not just for planets!

In fact, whatever feeble protection that BARCO** alignment gives is more than offset by by the alignment with us of both Mercury and Luna, the two most instability-bringing influences there are.  Shit’s gonna change yo.

Now having said all of that, there is one day that you might be able to get away with a little something… Memorial Day.  Ironically enough for a day dedicated to remembering, there is a Jupiter-Moon conjunction (in Scorpio!) that bodes well for concealing misbehavior.  However, the long-term risks of such misbehavior will not be mitigated; there is increased risk for contracting venereal disease this week, so wrap that rascal!

In addition to the ongoing good fishing, this week is good for hunting.  Get out there, kill something, and eat it!  Particularly effective calibers will be 0.22, 0.44, .30-30 and .303.  There isn’t much about cartridge size, though with the Sun in Gemini, magnums are favored.

As for star-related music, here’s the greatest band of the 20th century deciding they need to sound more like Muse and writing a song about the universe fucking itself:

*I think I’m going to start using the acronym BARCO.  It has potential.
