As many of you have pointed out, there have been some extremely annoying changes happening to the site this past week. Yes, I was fully aware. Thank you.

Most of the problems are cosmetic, but a couple are not. Comment numbering, I’m looking at you.

This week was a perfect storm of massive security updates, starting with the machine that hosts our server, huge WordPress updates, a theme update and plugin updates because of the WP updates.

All of these updates probably did make things more secure. But they also broke tons of stuff.

I’ve been spending 18 hour days fixing all the new problems for my actual paying clients, so I apologize for not getting everything here at this labor of love straightened out yet.

There will undoubtedly be ongoing, random issues as I address things here in my “free time” over the next few days. So, just be happy that the site still allows articles and commenting. And stay tuned.

This concludes this Public Service Announcement. I now return you to your regularly scheduled snark.