It’s futile to try to exercise off the excess caloric intake of the past few days, but Yahweh help me, I’m trying. Part of that effort is doing an eight mile circuit through nearby towns, and some of the images I’ve captured along the way are things that amused me. A lot of the themes have to do with the pedophile character I created, which SP assures me “is not at all funny.” I smile and tell her that she’ll get it when she’s a grown-up.

Notable birthdays today include (((Baruch Spinoza))); ragman Scott Joplin; writer William F. Buckley, Jr, the sound of whose grave spinning is audible even from here; and fun guy Ted Bundy, who was tragically born too early to be a fixture on Tindr.

On to the news!

What happens when a bunch of GS-12s, contractors, and grantees feel that their power, influence, and funds for grifting are being threatened? Report Of Doom, that’s what. Here’s a nugget:

Farmers will face extremely tough times. The quality and quantity of their crops will decline across the country due to higher temperatures, drought and flooding. In parts of the Midwest, farms will be able to produce less than 75% of the corn they produce today, and the southern part of the region could lose more than 25% of its soybean yield.

Try to ignore the recently set records in agricultural output. We’re going to starve. Any day now, you’ll see.

OK, nothing that newsworthy here, but I just loved the headline.

If you’ve ever had the misfortune to be in a classy drinking establishment, taproom, or winery when a bachelorette party descends, you’ll have more than a little sympathy for the supposed bad guys in this story.

I think the writer of this story is showing a little more glee than objective journalism calls for.


“Work accident” or Pope Jimbo fart-lighting gone terribly wrong? We report, you decide.

I’ve heard of “self-hating Jews,” but this one is… special.


Old Guy Music! Why is it that the bounciest, happiest song I know is titled Sad Sad Sad Sad? I have no idea, but you’ll love it.